Teacher Laptop Swap – Hand in Laptop on June 30th to your AO

This was sent by email to WWP, BB, DK, Admin, and Secretaries on May 14th.

-teachers must return laptops to admin on the morning of or before June 30th
-teachers without an assignment/contract will not receive a laptop for summer use
-teachers in grade 8 (and 9 at middle schools) who currently have a ~1+ year old laptop will have their machines reimaged, scheduled in July for pickup
-teachers returning to grade 6/7 will get a brand new laptop, scheduled in July for pickup
-teachers in grade 8 or at the middle schools in 8/9 will receive a ~1+ yr old laptop wherever possible, scheduled in July for pickup
-teachers on special circumstances can apply in writing to Jarrod Bell for summer use by June 14th (email is fine). Confirmation to be returned by June 21st from myself. Must be on contract, and must arrange dates for swap. Teachers with a ~1+ yr old laptop for special circumstances may be required to swap before the end of June for a 4yr old laptop loaned for the summer only

-In the case where TS will be providing you another laptop we will transfer data in your User folder only to your new machine.
-It is your responsibility to backup your files to the network or external device.
-We will not be held liable for any loss of files or personally purchased music or movies on your District owned computer.