Networking Changes at Dr. Kearney

Over the last year we have made some networking changes at Dr. Kearney and Bert Bowes. A significant change was to add a virtual local area network that allows for a separate network for internet only connections for personal devices. This is accessed through the wireless network SSID SD60-Public. This network has space for 64000 devices. The password is available from staff at DK.

We are now at a stage to move forward with restricting access to the SD60-Staff, SD60-Student SSIDs to only district owned devices at Dr. Kearney. There will only be space for around 500 devices on that network. After completion at DK we will work on Bert Bowes next.

Any devices not in the district asset inventory for Dr. Kearney will only be able to access internet via the SD60-Public system after we make the changes. We suggest for staff or students using a personal device to switch to the SD60-Public network before works starts so that they have no interruptions.

Timeline – after Thanksgiving.