Rural Schools Technology Trainer Session

October 22nd, 2008 Sheraton Wall Centre

The trainer session goes over how to support our rural teachers in the cohort.


  • Session was provided F2F with a synchronous elluminate video/slide feed.
  • Rural Schools will provide four elluminate sessions through BCELC for leadership development.
  • Looking for partnerships with district initiatives so that we are maximizing opportunities
  • Rural schools has asked me to provide some collaboration with or rural teachers. They will provide some funds for this as well!
  • Intent of the conference is not that it is a two/three day conference that ends here. This will continue on throughout the year via elluminate
  • nearly 500 registrants this year to conference
  • Participants felt that the themes of the conference represented the needs of the participants
  • They effectively modeled the use elluminate in the classroom
  • Need to check machines are rural schools that elluminate will run on them. I believe this should be fine but I will ask the teachers who come to have an elluminate session with me before.
  • The NRT cohort will have one f2f session and three elluminate sessions. Other teachers are welcome to attend those sessions. We can invite all rural teachers to these sessions. Could we use this a gatekeeper for those who would like to attend the conference next year?
  • I will be posting times to this site and will support teachers who would like to attend
  • Professional Online sessions are also available through Rural schools on Monday afternoons for an hour
  • The topics for conference this year will continue on with the plenary speakers through elluminate sessions
  • Draw for people that participate, some district uses a moodle forum for rural schools… use the news forum to get the info out there so participants will get the email, others can check and join… prizes for participants to the moodle site.
  • Elluminate could be used with Duncan Cran and their rural schools for meetings
  • I’ve posted a new moodle course on the district moodle site called Rural Schools. I’ve added the webconference dates in the calendar and will work this week on adding more info.
  • Specifics for Trainers
  • We held two sessions in the same room where one was out loud, and the other was through elluminate via headphones with the presenter at the back of the same room.. really cool!
  • Elluminate version 9 is being added Friday
  • Went over setting up profile in elluminate that will follow you whenever you login. Great!
  • Went over breakout groups, amazingly fast and simple. This could be great for the admin meetings
  • Showed application sharing with regions so you can keep the communications window open and share your desktop and it looks great!