The Incredible Five Point Scale

Different things bother different people so it is important for everybody to know what is hard or stressful for them! One way to think about stress is to make a “five stressors” list.

1.     Things that don’t bother you.

2.    Things that sometimes bother you.

3.    Things that can make you nervous.

4.    Things that can make you mad.

5.     Things that could make you totally lose control.

The 5-point scale is a visual system that can help to organize a person’s thinking when working through difficult moments, particularly those that require social understanding. On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Mrs. Celeste van Breda visited Mrs. Rachel Mclennan’s Grade 3-4 class at Charlie Lake Elementary School.  Through a guided talk and a couple hands-on activities, the students learned about how we all move through the 5-point scale at some point in our lives and which strategies we can use to safely stay in the GREEN & BLUE scale.