WWP off lease unibody macbooks

Our macbook unibodies are off lease as of June this year. Due to budget restraints we won’t replace them all next year for WWP as previously posted in December – http://www.prn.bc.ca/ts/?p=2037

These off lease laptops will be replaced with iPad minis in grade 6. Pro-d is being developed for May for teachers in grade 6 and more info will follow in April.

Proposed Priority for the off lease unibody macbooks will be in this order

1. Cart model for grade 7s (1 laptop per student in a grade 7 class. Assigned to the cart, not the student. Not for take home. No contracts) ~ 381 devices
2. 1 extra cart per middle school ~ 60 devices
3. Extras to grade 5/6 splits depending on number of 5s. ~ depends on class configuration but will likely be a larger number than remaining laptops.
4. If there are remaining extras their use will be determined by the overall number left.

Older off lease (sd60 spray painted) macbooks will no longer be supported by Technology Services as of June 2014 per the End of Life Specifications.